How to do orbi setup with its satellite?

If ever you are trying to setup a new orbi router or are facing any issue while setup, then here we have a setup procedure for you. Following this procedure will enable users to themselves configure their orbi router and satellite. No technical assistance will be required if the procedure the procedure is followed correctly. Following are the orbi support steps for configuring Orbi router and its satellite. Get your modem disconnected from the power supply by plugging out its main power cord from a working power outlet. Also remove or replace the batteries attached to your modem. Wait for 10-20 minutes and then connect it back to any of the working power outlets. Identify the Internet port available on your Orbi router. It might look like yellow in color. Once you find the internet port of your orbi connect it with your modem with the help of an Ethernet cable. Plug in one end of the Ethernet cable to the internet port of your router and another to the Eth...